Today Avery is 451 days old. That amounts to AT LEAST:
- 400 baths
- 3,200 diapers
- 40 cans of formula - 450 jars of baby food
- 15 gallons of whole milk
- 6 different sizes of clothes
- Tons and tons of kisses and hugs!
- Tons and tons of kisses and hugs!
We are having so much fun with her and she makes us laugh everyday with her crazy personality. She loves to share, dance, pet the dogs, sing, read. She amazes me with her nurturing qualities as well. Always hugging and kissing her dolls and teddy bears. Oh, and she also loves shoes. Ah, I can only imagine what is in store for us! :) Enjoy these pictures from February!
Avery doing the "airplane" - thanks Papa Tom
She is getting so big and so beautiful! We need to get together soon. It was great seeing you yesterday!